Info: I've found these quotes to challenge your thinking and to use in your presentations. Enjoy.
  • "The wise person must remember that while they are a descendant of the past, they are also a parent of the future."
    Herbert Spencer
  • "The future evolves in an orderly manner, out of the realities of the past, filtered and shaped by the decisions of the present."
    David Pearce Snyder
  • "We must welcome the future, remembering that soon it will be the past, and we must respect the past, knowing that once it was all that was humanly possible."
    George Santanya
  • "Accommodation to change and the thoughtful pursuit of alternative futures are keys to the survival of civilization."
    Carl Sagan
  • "Most people think the future is the ends and the present is the means. In fact, the present is the ends and the future the means."
    Fritz Roethlisberger
  • "The future is uncertain ... but this uncertainty is at the very heart of human creativity."
    Ilya Prigogine
  • "Simply to be a human being is to be a futurist of sorts. For human freedom is largely a matter of imaging alternative futures and then choosing among them."
    James Ogilvy
  • "The purpose of studying history is not to deride human action, not to weep over it or to hate it, but to understand it -- and then to learn from it as we contemplate our future."
    Nelson Mandela
  • "Learning from the past and thinking about the future are something that's in everyone's best interest."
    John Lienhard
  • "The future is not a gift -- it is an achievement."
    Sir Harry Lauder
