
Case Study: Expanded Horizon Scanning

Client: Department for Transport (DfT)

What was the challenge?

The rapid development of technology can risk outpacing the DfT's  policy and regulatory frameworks, which are the controls it needs to make sure new technologies are  beneficial rather than disruptive to safety and security and the operation of the transport system. If DfT is unable to effectively scan for early-stage innovations or  externalities that will impact the transport system, its decisions risk not standing the test of time and its strategic priorities not being met. 

The aim was to Improve the effectiveness of the Department's horizon scanning to better anticipate changes in the  transport system.

How did we approach it?

Shaping Tomorrow has deployed its AI-driven continuous horizon scan to scour 10,000s online sources for emerging trends and signals of change. Our human research team curates the results to produce regular newsletters. Additionally forty-two technologies that DfT is monitoring monthly. 

What was the outcome or impact of the work?

Using the ST platform enabled the ScITech Futures team to respond quickly and effectively to the policy team’s commission, despite limited resource availability within the team – it is unlikely that the same work could have been produced within such a short timeframe, without significant re-prioritisation of team resource, had access to automated horizon scanning tools not been available
